Structure and rheological properties of soft-hard nanocomposites: Influence of aggregation and interfacial modification
Structure and Rheology of the Defect-gel States of Pure and Particle-dispersed Lyotropic Lamellar Phases
Structure and Short-time Dynamics in Suspensions of Charged Silica Spheres in the entire Fluid Regime
Structure and stability of chiral beta-tapes: a computational coarse-grained approach
Structure and stability of double emulsions
Structure and stability of helices in square-well homopolymers
Structure and stability of self-assembled actin-lysozyme complexes in salty water
Structure and Stability of Vortices in Dilute Bose-Einstein Condensates at Ultralow Temperatures
Structure and thermodynamics of colloid-polymer mixtures: a macromolecular approach
Structure and thermodynamics of platelet dispersions
Structure factor and thermodynamics of rigid dendrimers in solution
Structure Factor of a Lamellar Smectic Phase with Inclusions
Structure factor of polymers interacting via a short range repulsive potential: application to hairy wormlike micelles
Structure factors in granular experiments with homogeneous fluidization
Structure formation in binary colloids
Structure Function of Polymer Nematic Liquid Crystals: A Monte Carlo Simulation
Structure of a liquid crystalline fluid around a macroparticle: Density functional theory study
Structure of bottle-brush brushes under good solvent conditions. A molecular dynamics study
Structure of bottle-brush polymers in solution: A Monte Carlo test of models for the scattering function
Structure of Colloid-Polymer Suspensions