Structural changes of diblock copolymer melts due to an external electric field: a self-consistent field theory study
Structural Determinant of Protein Designability
Structural diversity and the role of particle shape and dense fluid behavior in assemblies of hard polyhedra
Structural evolution of protein-biofilms: Simulations and Experiments
Structural fluctuations and quantum transport through DNA molecular wires: a combined molecular dynamics and model Hamiltonian approach
Structural instability of vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates
Structural modes of a polymer in the repton model
Structural Order for One-Scale and Two-Scale Potentials
Structural Order in Glassy Water
Structural phase transition and orientation-strain glass formation in anisotropic particle systems with impurities in two dimensions
Structural phase transition of anisotropic particles and formation of orientation-strain glass with addition of impurities
Structural phase transitions of vortex matter in an optical lattice
Structural Phases in Non-Additive Soft-Disk Mixtures: Glasses, Substitutional Order, and Random Tilings
Structural Polymorphism of the Cytoskeleton: A Model of Linker-Assisted Filament Aggregation
Structural properties and liquid spinodal of water confined in a hydrophobic environment
Structural properties of crumpled cream layers
Structural properties of dense hard sphere packings
Structural Properties of High and Low Density Water in a Supercooled Aqueous Solution of Salt
Structural Properties of Small Semiconductor-Binding Synthetic Peptides
Structural Properties of Stiff Elastic Networks