Statics and inertial dynamics of a ruck in a rug
Statics of polymer droplets on deformable surfaces
Stationary finger solutions in the Hele-Shaw cell
Stationary quantum statistics of a non-Markovian atom laser
Stationary states and energy cascades in inelastic gases
Statistical Analysis of X-ray Speckle at the NSLS
Statistical distributions in the folding of elastic structures
Statistical field theory for a multicomponent fluid: The collective variables approach
Statistical mechanics and dynamics of two supported stacked lipid bilayers
Statistical mechanics model for the transit free energy of monatomic liquids
Statistical Mechanics of a Cat's Cradle
Statistical Mechanics of Developable Ribbons
Statistical mechanics of double-helical polymers
Statistical mechanics of granular media: An approach A la Boltzmann
Statistical mechanics of homogeneous partly pinned fluid systems
Statistical Mechanics of Integral Membrane Protein Assembly
Statistical Mechanics of Jammed Matter
Statistical mechanics of RNA folding: a lattice approach
Statistical Mechanics of Semiflexible Chains: A Meanfield Variational Approach
Statistical mechanics of semiflexible polymers