Stabilizing stick-slip friction
Stabilizing the Discrete Vortex of Topological Charge S=2
Stable crystalline lattices in two-dimensional binary mixtures of dipolar particles
Stable integration of isolated cell membrane patches in a nanomachined aperture: a step towards a novel device for membrane physiology
Stable Oxide Nanoparticle Clusters Obtained by Complexation
Stable patterns of membrane domains at corrugated substrates
Stable smectic phase in suspensions of polydisperse colloidal platelets with identical thickness
Stable two-dimensional dispersion-managed soliton
Stacking Interactions in Denaturation of DNA Fragments
Staggered Ladder Spectra
Stall, spiculate or runaway - the fate of fibers growing towards fluctuating membranes
Star copolymers in porous environments: scaling and its manifestations
Star polymers in correlated disorder
Star polymers: A study of the structural arrest in presence of attractive interactions
Star-Like Micelles with Star-Like Interactions: A quantitative Evaluation of Structure Factor and Phase Diagram
Star-triangle equivalence in soap froths
Starting to move through a granular medium
State Selection in Accelerated Systems
State, rate and temperature-dependent sliding friction of elastomers
State-dependent diffusion: thermodynamic consistency and its path integral formulation