Spectral Representation Theory for Dielectric Behavior of Nonspherical Cell Suspensions
Spectral responses in granular compaction
Spectral Shape of Relaxations in Silica Glass
Spectral Signatures of the Diffusional Anomaly in Water
Spectral statistics of the quenched normal modes of a network-forming molecular liquid
Spectroscopic insensitivity to cold collisions in a two-state mixture of fermions
Spectroscopic Temperature Determination of Degenerate Fermi Gases
Speeding up a single-molecule DNA motor with a simple catalyst
Sphere penetration by impact in a granular medium: A collisional process
Sphere-to-cylinder transition in hierarchical electrostatic complexes
Spheres and Prolate and Oblate Ellipsoids from an Analytical Solution of Spontaneous Curvature Fluid Membrane Model
Spherical Colloids: Effect of Discrete Macroion Charge Distribution and Counterion Valence
Spherical Foams in Flat Space
Spherical Polymer Brushes Under Good Solvent Conditions: Molecular Dynamics Results Compared to Density Functional Theory
Spherical Vesicles Distorted by a Grafted Latex Bead: An Exact Solution
Spicules and the effect of rigid rods on enclosing membrane tubes
Spin domain formation in spinor Bose-Einstein condensation
Spin dynamics of low-dimensional excitons due to acoustic phonons
Spin glass transitions of smectic-$A$ crosslinked elastomers
Spin injection into a short DNA chain