Solvation Effects on Free Energy Surface of Polyalanine
Solvation effects on kinetics of methylene chloride reactions in sub- and supercritical water: theory, experiment, and ab initio calculations
Solvation of positive ions in water: The dominant role of water-water interaction
Solvation vs. freezing in a heteropolymer globule
Solvent control of crack dynamics in a reversible hydrogel
Solvent Driven Formation of Bolaamphiphilic Vesicles
Solvent evaporation of spin cast films: crust effects
Solvent free model for self-assembling fluid bilayer membranes: Stabilization of the fluid phase based on broad attractive tail potentials
Solvent Mediated Assembly of Nanoparticles Confined in Mesoporous Alumina
Solvent mediated interactions between model colloids and interfaces: A microscopic approach
Solvent mediated interactions close to fluid-fluid phase separation: microscopic treatment of bridging in a soft core fluid
Solvent-free coarse-grained lipid model for large-scale simulations
Solvent-mediated interactions between nanoparticles at fluid interfaces
Solving the Poisson-Boltzmann Equation to Obtain Interaction Energies Between Confined, Like-charged Cylinders
Some New Aspects of Dendrimer Applications
Some observations on the renormalization of membrane rigidity by long-range interactions
Some simple results for the properties of polar fluids
Sonine approximation for collisional moments of granular gases of inelastic rough spheres
Sonoluminescing Gas Bubbles
Soret driven convection in a colloidal solution heated from above at very large solutal Rayleigh number