Slow Kinetics of Capillary Condensation in Confined Geometry: Experiment and Theory
Slow light and the phase of a Bose-Einstein condensate
Slow light in degenerate Fermi gases
Slow nucleic acid unzipping kinetics from sequence-defined barriers
Slow plasmon modes in polymeric salt solutions
Slow regions percolate near glass transition
Slow Steady-Shear of Plastic Bead Rafts
Slow stress relaxation in randomly disordered nematic elastomers and gels
Slow viscoelastic relaxation and aging in aqueous foam
Slow, non-diffusive dynamics in concentrated nanoemulsions
Slowing down of water dynamics in disaccharide aqueous solutions
Small and Large Scale Granular Statics
Small Angle Scattering and Zeta Potential of Liposomes Loaded with Octa(carboranyl)porphyrazine
Small is beautiful, and dry
Small-Angle Neutron Scattering study of solubilization of tributyl phosphate in aqueous solutions of L64 Pluronic triblock copolymers
Small-world networks and the conformation space of a lattice polymer chain
Small-world properties of the Indian Railway network
Smectic and columnar ordering in length-polydisperse fluids of parallel hard cylinders
Smectic blue phases: layered systems with high intrinsic curvature
Smectic elastomer membranes