Single-molecule force spectroscopy: Practical limitations beyond Bell's model
Single-order-parameter description of glass-forming liquids: A one-frequency test
Single-particle and collective slow dynamics of colloids in porous confinement
Single-particle model for a granular ratchet
Singular Energy Distributions in Granular Media
Singular forces and point-like colloids in lattice Boltzmann hydrodynamics
Singular instability of exact stationary solutions of the nonlocal Gross-Pitaevskii equation
Singular perturbation analysis of a reduced model for collective motion: A renormalization group approach
Singularities, Universality, and Scaling in Evaporative Deposition Patterns
Site-averaging in the integral equation theory of interaction site models of macromolecular fluids: An exact approach
Sitting at the edge: How biomolecules use hydrophobicity to tune their interactions and function
Size and interaction dependent solute diffusion in a dilute body centered cubic solid solution
Size dependence of second-order hyperpolarizability of finite periodic chain under Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model
Size dependence, stability, and a transition to buckling in model reverse bilayers
Size dependent motion of nanodroplets on chemical steps
Size Dependent Phase Transitions
Size distribution and structure of Barchan dune fields
Size distribution and waiting times for the avalanches of the Cell Network Model of Fracture
Size Distribution of Superparamagnetic Particles Determined by Magnetic Sedimentation
Size separation in vibrated granular matter