On the Refractive Index of Ageing Dispersions of Laponite
On the regimes of charge reversal
On the relaxation dynamics of glass-forming systems: Insights from computer simulations
On the relevance of numerical simulations to booming sand
On the reliability of mean-field methods in polymer statistical mechanics
On the replica scenario for the glass transition
On the rheology of a liquid-vapor interface
On the rigidity of a hard sphere glass near random close packing
On the role of Boundary Condition on the Speed- & Impact- Distributions in Dissipative Granular Gases in Knudsen Regime Excited by Vibration
On the role of hydrodynamic interactions in colloidal gelation
On the role of metastable intermediate states in the homogeneous nucleation of solids from solution
On the role of mismatches in DNA denaturation
On the role of the Knudsen layer in rapid granular flows
On the shape of barchan dunes
On the signature of tensile blobs in the scattering function of a stretched polymer
On the size and shape of excluded volume polymers confined between parallel plates
On the size-distribution of Poisson Voronoi cells
On the spectrum of fluctuations of a liquid surface: From the molecular scale to the macroscopic scale
On the Spin-Orbital Structure of the "Zero" Magnetization Spin-Precessing Modes of the Superfluid $^3He-B$
On the spontaneous collective motion of active matter