On the mobility of extended bodies in viscous films and membranes
On the Modulational Instability of the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with Dissipation
On the modulational stability of Gross-Pitaevskii type equations in 1+1 dimensions
On the modulational stability of Gross-Pittaevskii type equations in 1+1 dimensions
On the molecular mechanism of surface charge amplification and related phenomena at aqueous polyelectrolyte-graphene interfaces
On the molecular theory of dimer liquid crystals
On the nature of long-range contributions to pair interactions between charged colloids in two dimensions
On the nature of Thermal Diffusion in binary Lennard-Jones liquids
On the nonlocal viscosity kernel of mixtures
On the origin of the Boson peak in globular proteins
On the origine of the Boson peak
On the origins of apparent fragile-to-strong transition of protein hydration waters
On the pearl size of hydrophobic polyelectrolytes
On the phase behavior of hard aspherical particles
On the physical basis for the nematic rubber elastic free energy
On the Physics of Size Selectivity
On the Plants Leaves Boundary, "Jupe à Godets" and Conformal Embeddings
On the possibility of extending the Nore-Frenkel generalized law of correspondent states to non-isotropic patchy interactions
On the possible existence of crystallites in glass-forming liquids
On the problem of phase transitions in lysozyme crystals