Organized condensation of worm-like chains
Orientation Correlation in Simplified Models of Polymer Melts
Orientation selection in lamellar phases by oscillatory shears
Orientational and induced contributions to the depolarized Rayleigh spectra of liquid and supercooled ortho-terphenyl
Orientational and Translational Hopping in Supercooled Liquids and Glasses : Correlated Dynamics in a Free Energy Landscape
Orientational correlations and the effect of spatial gradients in the equilibrium steady state of hard rods in 2D : A study using deposition-evaporation kinetics
Orientational correlations in confined DNA
Orientational order and alignment of elongated particles induced by shear
Orientational order and glassy states in networks of semiflexible polymers
Orientational Order in Liquids upon Condensation in Nanochannels: An Optical Birefringence Study on Rodlike and Disclike Molecules in Monolithic Mesoporous Silica
Orientational order in two dimensions from competing interactions at different scales
Orientational order on curved surfaces - the high temperature region
Orientational Ordering and Dynamics of Rodlike Polyelectrolytes
Orientational ordering in hard rectangles: The role of three-body correlations
Orientational orders in binary mixtures of hard HGO molecules
Orientational orders of small anisotropic molecules confined in slit pores
Orientational phase transitions in the hexagonal phase of a diblock copolymer melt under shear flow
Orientational relaxation in a discotic liquid crystal
Orientational relaxation in a dispersive dynamic medium : Generalization of the Kubo-Ivanov-Anderson jump diffusion model to include fractional environmental dynamics
Orientational transition in nematic liquid crystals under oscillatory Poiseuille flow