Modified Sonine approximation for granular binary mixtures
Modifying Fragility and Collective Motion in Polymer Melts with Nanoparticles
Modulated 3D cross-correlation light scattering: improving turbid sample characterization
Modulated wavepackets associated with longitudinal dust grain oscillations in a dusty plasma crystal
Modulational and Parametric Instabilities of the Discrete Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation
Modulational Instability in Bose-Einstein Condensates under Feshbach Resonance Management
Modulational instability in cigar shaped Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices
Molecular and all solid DFT studies of the magnetic and chemical bonding properties within KM[Cr(CN)$_6$] (M = V, Ni) complexes
Molecular association at the microscopic level
Molecular Correlation Functions for Uniaxial Ellipsoids in the Isotropic State
Molecular correlations and solvation in simple fluids
Molecular diffusion and slip boundary conditions at smooth surfaces with periodic and random nanoscale textures
Molecular Dynamics at Low Time Resolution
Molecular Dynamics in grafted layers of poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS)
Molecular dynamics of a dense fluid of polydisperse hard spheres
Molecular dynamics of glycerol and glycerol-trehalose bioprotectant solutions nanoconfined in porous silicon
Molecular dynamics of n-hexane: A quasi-elastic neutron scattering study on the bulk and spatially nanochannel-confined liquid
Molecular Dynamics Results on the Pressure Tensor of Polymer Films
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Collisions between Hydrogen and Graphite
Molecular Dynamics simulation of evaporation processes of fluid bridges confined in slit-like pore