Microscopic measurement of the linear compressibilities of two-dimensional fatty acid mesophases
Microscopic mechanism for cold denaturation
Microscopic membrane elasticity and interactions among membrane inclusions: Interplay between the shape, dilation, tilt and tilt-difference modes
Microscopic model for spreading of a two-dimensional monolayer
Microscopic origin of granular ratcheting
Microscopic Structural Relaxation in a Sheared Supercooled Colloidal Liquid
Microscopic structure and thermodynamics of a core-softened model fluid from the second-order integral equations theory
Microscopic Structure of a Vortex Line in a Superfluid Fermi Gas
Microscopic structure of liquid hydrogen: a neutron diffraction experiment
Microscopic theory for interface fluctuations in binary liquid mixtures
Microscopic theory for the glass transition in a system without static correlations
Microscopic theory of glassy dynamics and glass transition for molecular crystals
Microscopic Theory of Protein Folding Rates.I: Fine Structure of the Free Energy Profile and Folding Routes from a Variational Approach
Microscopic Theory of Protein Folding Rates.II: Local Reaction Coordinates and Chain Dynamics
Microscopic theory of solvent mediated long range forces: influence of wetting
Microscopic Viscoelasticity: Shear Moduli of Soft Materials Determined from Thermal Fluctuations
Microscopic Wrinkles on Supported Surfactant Monolayers
Microstructure and velocity fluctuations in sheared suspensions
Microstructure of a liquid complex (dusty) plasma under shear
Microstructure, morphology and lifetime of armored bubbles exposed to surfactants