Membrane fluctuations around inclusions
Membrane fluctuations near a plane rigid surface
Membrane Heterogeneity: Manifestation of a Curvature-Induced Microemulsion
Membrane morphology induced by anisotropic proteins
Membrane pinning on a disordered substrate
Membrane simulation models from nm to $μ$m scale
Membrane stress tensor in the presence of lipid density and composition inhomogeneities
Memory and aging effect in hierarchical spin orderings of stage-2 CoCl_{2} graphite intercalation compound
Memory effects in the relaxation of the Gaussian trap model
Memory in 2D heap experiments
Memory in aged granular media
Memory in an aging molecular glass
Mermin-Ho vortex in ferromagnetic spinor Bose-Einstein condensates
Mesh update techniques for free-surface flow solvers using spectral element method
Meso-scale computer modeling of lipid-DNA complexes for gene therapy
Mesophase formation in a system of top-shaped hard molecules: Density functional theory and Monte Carlo simulation
Mesophase formation in two-component cylindrical bottle-brush polymers
Mesophases of soft-sphere aggregates
Mesoscale modeling of the rheology of pressure sensitive adhesives through inclusion of transient forces
Mesoscale modelling of polyelectrolyte electrophoresis