Layering and position-dependent diffusive dynamics of confined fluids
Layering in Crumpled Sheets
Layering instability in a confined suspension flow
Leak-rate of seals: comparison of theory with experiment
Leak-rate of seals: effective medium theory and comparison with experiment
Leaky Membrane Dynamics
Lectures on Molecular- and Nano-scale Fluctuations in Water
Lees-Edwards boundary conditions for lattice Boltzmann
Length and time scales of a liquid drop impact and penetration into a granular layer
Length scale dependence of dynamical heterogeneity in a colloidal fractal gel
Length scale dependent relaxation in colloidal gels
Length scale of dynamic heterogeneity in polymer nanocomposites
Length-Controlled Elasticity in 3D Fiber Networks
Length-dependent translocation of polymers through nanochannels
Lengthscales and Cooperativity in DNA Bubble Formation
Lensing effects in a nematic liquid crystal with topological defects
Lessons of Slicing Membranes: Interplay of Packing, Free Area, and Lateral Diffusion in Phospholipid/Cholesterol Bilayers
Letter for the pressure effects on the electrostatic polarizability and dispersive binding of off-center polarons in ionic and molecular systems
Letter to the Editor: Wall slip in dispersion rheometry
Level-dynamic approach to the excited spectra of the Jahn-Teller model - kink-train lattice and 'glassy' quantum phase