Lattice Boltzmann simulations of spontaneous flow in active liquid crystals: the role of boundary conditions
Lattice Boltzmann study of pattern formation in reaction-diffusion systems
Lattice Boltzmann study on Kelvin-Helmholtz instability: the roles of velocity and density gradients
Lattice dilation near a single hydrogen molecule in an interstitial channel within a nanotube bundle
Lattice gas simulations of dynamical geometry in two dimensions
Lattice model calculations on aqueous acetone and tetramethyl urea
Lattice model study of the thermodynamic interplay of polymer crystallization and liquid-liquid demixing
Lattice study of a Janus interface
Lattice-Boltzmann Method for Non-Newtonian Fluid Flows
Lattice-Boltzmann Model of Amphiphilic Systems
Lattice-Boltzmann simulations of self-assembly of a binary amphiphilic fluid into ordered bicontinuous cubic and lamellar phases
Lattice-Boltzmmann simulations of the sedimentation of charged disks
Lattice-Gas Simulations of Minority-Phase Domain Growth in Binary Immiscible and Ternary Amphiphilic Fluid
Lattice-Gas Simulations of Ternary Amphiphilic Fluid Flow in Porous Media
Law of corresponding states for osmotic swelling of vesicles
Laws of Granular Solids. Geometry and Topology
Layer Analysis of the Structure of Water Confined in Vycor Glass
Layer dynamics of a freely standing smectic-A film
Layer-by-layer assembly of colloidal particles deposited onto the polymer-grafted elastic substrate
Layered tungsten oxide-based organic/inorganic hybrid materials I: Infrared and Raman study