How to impose stick boundary conditions in coarse-grained hydrodynamics of Brownian colloids and semi-flexible fiber rheology
How to mesh up Ewald sums (I): A theoretical and numerical comparison of various particle mesh routines
How to mesh up Ewald sums (II): An accurate error estimate for the P3M algorithm
How to STIRAP a vortex
How to Track Protists in Three Dimensions
How water meets a very hydrophobic surface
How would you integrate the equations of motion in dissipative particle dynamics simulations?
Huge broadening of the crystal-fluid interface for sedimenting colloids
Huge Seebeck coefficients in non-aqueous electrolytes
Humidity Effects and Aging Behavior in Granular Media
Hybrid Dynamic Density Functional Theory for Polymer Melts and Blends
Hybrid Elastic/Discrete-Particle Approach to Biomembrane Dynamics with Application to the Mobility of Curved Integral Membrane Proteins
Hybrid Lattice Boltzmann / Dynamic Self-Consistent Field Simulations of Microphase Separation and Vesicle Formation in Block Copolymer Systems
Hybrid lattice Boltzmann model for binary fluid mixtures
Hybrid simulations of lateral diffusion in fluctuating membranes
Hydration interactions: aqueous solvent effects in electric double layers
Hydration of a B-DNA Fragment in the Method of Atom-atom Correlation Functions with the Reference Interaction Site Model Approximation
Hydration of an apolar solute in a two-dimensional waterlike lattice fluid
Hydroanalysis of Animal Lysozymes c and Human Defensins a
Hydrodynamic and Brownian Fluctuations in Sedimenting Suspensions