Fractional Stokes-Einstein and Debye-Stokes-Einstein relations in a network forming liquid
Fractionation effects in phase equilibria of polydisperse hard sphere colloids
Fracture and Friction: Stick-Slip Motion
Fracture energy of gels
Fracture in Three-Dimensional Fuse Networks
Fracture of a biopolymer gel as a viscoplastic disentanglement process
Fracture of a viscous liquid
Fracture Toughness and Maximum Stress in a Disordered Lattice System
Fragile granular jamming
Fragile to strong crossover coupled to liquid-liquid transition in hydrophobic solutions
Fragile-to-Strong Crossover in Supercooled Liquids Remains Elusive
Fragility and elastic behavior of a supercooled liquid
Fragility, Stokes-Einstein violation, and correlated local excitations in a coarse-grained model of an ionic liquid
Frank's constant in the hexatic phase
Free energies, vacancy concentrations and density distribution anisotropies in hard--sphere crystals: A combined density functional and simulation study
Free energy and extension of a semiflexible polymer in cylindrical confining geometries
Free energy approximations in simple lattice proteins
Free Energy Barrier for Electric Field Driven Polymer Entry into Nanoscale Channels
Free energy barrier for single-chain melting and crystallization
Free energy determination of phase coexistence in model C60: A comprehensive Monte Carlo study