Can re-entrance be observed in force induced transitions?
Can the frequency-dependent specific heat be measured by thermal effusion methods?
Canonical Bose gas simulations with stochastic gauges
Canonical Statistics of Trapped Ideal and Interacting Bose Gases
Capacitance of the Double Layer Formed at the Metal/Ionic-Conductor Interface: How Large Can It Be?
Capillarity Theory for the Fly-Casting Mechanism
Capillary adhesion between elastic solids with randomly rough surfaces
Capillary and anchoring effects in thin hybrid nematic films and connection with bulk behavior
Capillary Bridge Formation and Breakage: A Test to Characterize Antiadhesive Surfaces
Capillary bridging and long-range attractive forces in a mean-field approach
Capillary Condensation and Interface Structure of a Model Colloid-Polymer Mixture in a Porous Medium
Capillary condensation for fluids in spherical cavities
Capillary Electrophoresis as a Fundamental Probe of Polymer Dynamics
Capillary filling in microchannels patterned by posts
Capillary Filling of Anodized Alumina Nanopore Arrays
Capillary filling with giant liquid/solid slip: dynamics of water uptake by carbon nanotubes
Capillary force-induced structural instability in liquid infiltrated elastic circular tubes
Capillary interactions in Pickering emulsions
Capillary Network Model: Capillary Power and Effective Permeability
Capillary origami: spontaneous wrapping of a droplet with an elastic sheet