Buckling, Fluctuations and Collapse in Semiflexible Polyelectrolytes
Budding and Domain Shape Transformations in Mixed Lipid Films and Bilayer Membranes
Budding and vesiculation induced by conical membrane inclusions
Building micro-soccer-balls with evaporating colloidal fakir drops
Bulk and interfacial properties of binary hard-platelet fluids
Bulk and Interfacial Shear Thinning of Immiscible Polymers
Bulk and surface biaxiality in nematic liquid crystals
Bulk and Surface Properties of Dipolar Fluids
Bulk and wetting phenomena in a colloidal mixture of hard spheres and platelets
Bulk inhomogeneous phases of anisotropic particles: A fundamental measure functional study of the restricted orientations model
Bulk phase behaviour of binary hard platelet mixtures from density functional theory
Bulk viscosity of the Lennard-Jones system at the triple point by dynamical Non Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics
Burst dynamics during drainage displacements in porous media: Simulations and experiments