Turbo charging time-dependent density-functional theory with Lanczos chains
Twin Boundaries and Heat Capacity of a Crystal
Twinning superlattices in indium phosphide nanowires
Twins and their boundaries during homoepitaxy on Ir(111)
Twist disclination in the field theory of elastoplasticity
Twist of cholesteric liquid crystal cell with substrates of different anchoring strengths
Twisting Graphene Nanoribbons into Carbon Nanotubes
Two and one-dimensional honeycomb structures of silicon and germanium
Two Approaches to Dislocation Nucleation in the Supported Heteroepitaxial Equilibrium Islanding Phenomenon
Two Circular-Rotational Eigenmodes in Vortex Gyrotropic Motions in Soft Magnetic Nanodots
Two Dimensional Atomic Crystals
Two Dimensional Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor Systems
Two Dimensional Spin-Polarized Electron Gas at the Oxide Interfaces
Two distinct metallic bands associated with monatomic Au wires on the Si(557)-Au surface
Two Hydrodynamic Models of Granular Convection
Two insulating phases in compressed Pr1-xCaxMnO3 thin films
Two Lifshitz points in melt-crystallized polymers: nanostructure, necking, energy dissipation
Two Modes of Solid State Nucleation - Ferrites, Martensites and Isothermal Transformation Curves
Two Problems in Spin-Dependent Transport in Metallic Magnetic Multilayers
Two- and three-dimensional magnetic correlations in the spin-1/2 square-lattice system Zn2VO(PO4)2