The ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition in BiFeO3: crystal structure of the orthorhombic beta-phase
The first principles calculations of the atomic and electronic structure of cubic and orthorhombic LaMnO3 surfaces
The First Synchrotron Infrared Beamlines at the ALS: Spectromicroscopy and Fast Timing
The flow of forces through cellular materials
The Formation and Coarsening of the Concertina Pattern
The formation and ordering of local magnetic moments in Fe-Al alloys
The formation, ripening and stability of epitaxially strained island arrays
The Free-Free Opacity in Warm, Dense, and Weakly Ionized Helium
The frustrated spherical model: an alternative to Ginzburg-Landau Hamiltonians with competing interactions
The future of materials science on sounding rocket flights
The GaAs Equilibrium Crystal Shape from First-Principles
The gauge theory of dislocations: a uniformly moving screw dislocation
The gauge theory of dislocations: conservation and balance laws
The gauge theory of dislocations: static solutions of screw and edge dislocations
The German scientific balloon and sounding rocket program
The German scientific balloon and sounding rocket program
The glassy response of double torsion oscillators in solid Helium-4
The glassy response of solid He-4 to torsional oscillations
The ground state elemental crystals as a benchmark set for solid state DFT: intrinsic accuracy and code comparison
The ground state of a spin-crossover molecule calculated by diffusion Monte Carlo