The Effect of Nanoparticle Shape on Polymer-Nanocomposite Rheology and Tensile Strength
The effect of ozone oxidation on single-walled carbon nanotubes
The effect of p-type doping on the oxidation of H-Si(111) studied by second-harmonic generation
The effect of pressure and spin on the isotopic composition of ferrous iron dissolved in periclase and silicate perovskite
The effect of spin drift on spin accumulation voltages in highly-doped Si
The Effect of Strain on Thermodynamics of the Weakly First-Order Phase Transition
The effect of strain rate on the viscoplastic behavior of isotactic polypropylene at finite strains
The effect of stripe domain structure on dynamic permeability of thin ferromagnetic films with out-of-plane uniaxial anisotropy
The Effect of Structural Distortions on the Electronic Structure of Carbon Nanotubes
The effect of substrate induced strain on the charge-ordering transition in Nd_{0.5}Sr_{0.5}MnO_{3} thin films
The effect of surface roughness on the adhesion of elastic solids
The Effect of Symmetry Lowering on the Dielectric Response of $BaZrO_3$
The Effect of the Environment on alpha-Al_2O_3 (0001) Surface Structures
The effect of the lateral interactions on the critical behavior of long straight rigid rods on two-dimensional lattices
The effect of the spin-orbit interaction on the band gap of half-metals
The Effect of Transfer Printing on Pentacene Thin-Film Crystal Structure
The effect of transverse magnetic correlations on a coupled order parameter: shifted transition temperatures and thermal hysteresis
The effective conductivity of a periodic lattice of circular inclusions
The Effective Particle-Hole Interaction and the Optical Response of Simple Metal Clusters
The Effects of a Non-Ferroelectric Slab on the Polarization and the Susceptibility of the Ferroelectric Multilayer