The collision consistency of lattice-BGK model for simulating rarified gas flows in microchannels
The commensurate phase of multiferroic HoMn2O5 studied by X-ray magnetic scattering
The Composition Lines of the Visible Band of Synthetic Diamond
The concept of multifractal elasticity
The connection between elastic scattering cross sections and acoustic vibrations of an embedded nanoparticle
The construction of a reliable potential for GeO2 from first-principles
The continuum elastic and atomistic viewpoints on the formation volume and strain energy of a point defect
The continuum gauge field-theory model for low-energy electronic states of icosahedral fullerenes
The control of iron oxidation state during FeO and olivine crystal growth
The convergence of the ab-initio many-body expansion for the cohesive energy of solid mercury
The coordination dependence of electric-field gradients and hyperfine fields at 5sp impurities on fcc metal surfaces
The correlation energy functional within the GW-RPA approximation: exact forms, approximate forms and challenges
The Coulomb bridge function and the Pair-distribution functions of the 2-dimensional electron liquid in the quantum regime
The crossover from collective motion to periphery diffusion for 2D adatom-islands on Cu(111)
The Crossover from Impurity to Valence Band in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors: The Role of the Coulomb Attraction by Acceptor
The crystal and magnetic structure of the magnetocaloric compound FeMnP0.5Si0.5
The crystal structure of cold compressed graphite
The current spin on manganites
The de Haas-van Alphen effect in canonical and grand canonical multiband Fermi liquid
The Debye temperature of sigma-phase Fe-Mo compounds as determined with Mössbauer spectroscopy