The application of the M"obius inversion formula to the embedded-atom method
The Ba2LnFeNb4O15 Tetragonal Tungsten Bronze: towards RT composite multiferroics
The Band Excitation Method in Scanning Probe Microscopy for Rapid Mapping of Energy Dissipation on the Nanoscale
The band structure of MgB$_{2}$ with different lattice constants
The Band-Gap Problem in Semiconductors Revisited: Effects of Core States and Many-Body Self-Consistency
The bandstructure of gold from many-body perturbation theory
The Barkhausen effect
The beads-on-string structure of viscoelastic threads
The beta Phase of Multiferroic Bismuth Ferrite and its beta-gamma Metal-Insulator Transition
The beta to gamma (insulator-metal) transition in BiFeO3
The Breakdown of Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics near the Tip of a Rapid Crack
The buckling transition of 2D elastic honeycombs: Numerical simulation and Landau theory
The building blocks of magnonics
The calculation of the effective interaction parameter in LDA+U method by linear response approach for Fe(OH)2
The Carbon New Age
The cationic energy landscape in alkali silicate glasses: properties and relevance
The CH3SH molecule deposited on Cu(111) and deprotonation
The challenge of unravelling magnetic properties in LaFeAsO
The chemistry of La on the Si(001) surface
The closest elastic tensor of arbitrary symmetry to an elasticity tensor of lower symmetry