2S hyperfine structure of atomic deuterium
5s correlation confinement resonances in Xe-endo-fullerenes
6-axis inertial sensor using cold-atom interferometry
A 1024 X 1024 CCD for scientific applications
A 2D nanosphere array for atomic spectroscopy
A 4-Component Dirac Theory of Ionization of Hydrogen Molecular Ion in a Super-Intense Laser Field
A B-spline Galerkin method for the Dirac equation
A binuclear atom -- a special type of close bound state between proton and heavy atom
A Bright, Slow Cryogenic Molecular Beam Source for Free Radicals
A broadband Ytterbium-doped tunable fiber laser for 3He optical pumping at 1083 nm
A chaotic 'turnstile' for atoms in periodic potentials
A class of singular logarithmic potentials in a box with variety of skin thickness and wall interaction
A classical Over Barrier Model to compute charge exchange between ions and one-optical-electron atoms
A clock transition for a future optical frequency standard with trapped atoms
A cold atom pyramidal gravimeter with a single laser beam
A collision-induced satellite in the Lyman Beta profile due to H-H collisions
A combined experimental and theoretical study on realizing and using laser controlled torsion of molecules
A combined R-matrix eigenstate basis set and finite-differences propagation method for the time-dependent Schr\"{od}dinger equation: the one-electron case
A compact dual atom interferometer gyroscope based on laser-cooled rubidium
A compact high-flux cold atom beam source