Search for variation of fundamental constants and violations of fundamental symmetries using isotope comparisons
Search for variation of the fundamental constants in atomic, molecular and nuclear spectra
Searches for Permanent Electric Dipole Moments - Some Recent Developments
Searching For Charge Interchange Cross-Sections Of Energetic Ions In Finite Temperature Matter
Second bound state of PsH
Second-order corrections to the wave function at origin in muonic hydrogen and pionium
Second-order effects on the hyperfine structure of $P$ states of alkali-metal atoms
Second-order magnetic contributions to the hyperfine splitting of the 5snd ^1D_2 states in ^87Sr
Secondly quantized multi-configurational approach for atomic databases
Selective addressing of high-rank atomic polarization moments
Selective excitation of metastable atomic states by femto- and attosecond laser pulses
Selective Reflection Spectroscopy at the Interface between a Calcium Fluoride Window and Cs Vapour
Selective reflection spectroscopy of a vapour at a calcium fluoride interface
Selective Reflection Spectroscopy on the UV Third Resonance Line of Cs : Simultaneous Probing of a van der Waals Atom-Surface Interaction Sensitive to Far IR Couplings and of Interatomic Collisions
Self-consistent model of ultracold atomic collisions and Feshbach resonances in tight harmonic traps
Self-consistent solution for the polarized vacuum in a no-photon QED model
Self-driven nonlinear dynamics in magneto-optical traps
Self-Energy Correction to the Bound-Electron g Factor of P States
Self-energy correction to the hyperfine splitting and the electron g factor in hydrogen-like ions
Self-Energy Correction to the Hyperfine Splitting for Excited States