Resonant nonlinear magneto-optical effects in atoms
Resonant Phenomena in Antihydrogen-Hydrogen Scattering
Resonant Structures in the Low-Energy Electron Continuum for Single Ionization of Atoms in the Tunneling Regime
Resonant two-photon single ionization of two atoms
Resonant-state solution of the Faddeev-Merkuriev integral equations for three-body systems with Coulomb potentials
Resonant-state solution of the Faddeev-Merkuriev integral equations for three-body systems with Coulomb-like potentials
Resonantly enhanced photoionization in correlated three-atomic systems
Resonator-Enhanced Optical Dipole Trap for Fermionic Lithium Atoms
Rest frequencies for C3O (Bizzocchi+, 2008)
Rest frequencies of methanol maser lines (Mueller+, 2004)
Rest frequencies of sub-mm spectrum of SiN (Bizzocchi+, 2006)
Restricted and unrestricted Hartree-Fock approaches for addition spectrum and Hund's rule of spherical quantum dots in a magnetic field
Results Obtained Using the Opal Code
Resummation of the Divergent Perturbation Series for a Hydrogen Atom in an Electric Field
Retarded long-range potentials for the alkali-metal atoms and a perfectly conducting wall
Retrieval of electron-atom scattering cross sections from laser-induced electron rescattering of atomic negative ions in intense laser fields
Retrieval of interatomic separations of molecules from laser-induced high-order harmonic spectra
Revealing buried information: Statistical processing techniques for ultracold gas image analysis
Reversed Dark Resonance in Rb Atom Excited by a Diode Laser
Reversible Destruction of Dynamical Localization