Resonance ionization spectroscopy of thorium isotopes - towards a laser spectroscopic identification of the low-lying 7.6 eV isomer of Th-229
Resonance structure in the Li^- photodetachment cross section
Resonance structures in the multichannel quantum defect theory for the photofragmentation processes involving one closed and many open channels
Resonance wave functions located at the Stark saddle point
Resonances in Ps-H scattering
Resonances in rotationally inelastic scattering of OH($X^2Π$) with helium and neon
Resonances of the helium atom in a strong magnetic field
Resonances of the Quantum $δ$-Kicked Accelerator
Resonant $ddμ$ Formation in Condensed Deuterium
Resonant 3--photon ionization of hydrogenic atoms by non-monochromatic laser field
Resonant Above-Threshold Ionization Peaks at Quantized Intensities
Resonant Coupling in the Heteronuclear Alkali Dimers for Direct Photoassociative Formation of X(0,0) Ultracold Molecules
Resonant dt-mu formation in condensed hydrogens
Resonant effects on the two-photon emission from hydrogenic ions
Resonant electric dipole-dipole interactions between cold Rydberg atoms in a magnetic field
Resonant electron scattering by metastable nitrogen
Resonant enhancement of ultracold photoassociation rate by electric field induced anisotropic interaction
Resonant enhancements of high-order harmonic generation
Resonant ion-pair formation in electron recombination with HF^+
Resonant magnetic field control of elastic scattering of cold 85Rb