Precise frequency measurements of atomic transitions using a Rb-stabilized resonator
Precise frequency measurements of the D-lines and fine-structure interval in K
Precise measurement of hyperfine intervals using avoided crossing of dressed states
Precise measurement of hyperfine structure in the $5P_{3/2}$ state of $^{85}$Rb
Precise measurement of hyperfine structure in the ${2P}_{1/2}$ state of $^{7}$Li using saturated-absorption spectroscopy
Precise measurement of positronium hyperfine splitting using the Zeeman effect
Precise measurements of UV atomic lines: Hyperfine structure and isotope shifts in the 398.8 nm line of Yb
Precise Variational Calculation For The Doubly Excited State (2p^2)^3P^e of Helium
Precision calculation of blackbody radiation shifts for optical frequency metrology
Precision calculations of atoms with few valence electrons
Precision measurement and compensation of optical Stark shifts for an ion-trap quantum processor
Precision measurement of gravity with cold atoms in an optical lattice and comparison with a classical gravimeter
Precision measurement of light shifts at two off-resonant wavelengths in a single trapped Ba+ ion and determination of atomic dipole matrix elements
Precision measurement of light shifts in a single trapped Ba$^+$ ion
Precision measurement of the 5 2S1/2 - 4 2D5/2 quadrupole transition isotope shift between 88Sr+ and 86Sr+
Precision measurement of the branching fractions of the 4P3/2 decay of Ca II
Precision measurement of the branching ratio in the 6P3/2 decay of BaII with a single trapped ion
Precision measurement of the Casimir-Lifshitz force in a fluid
Precision Measurement of the Lifetime of the 3d D_{5/2} state in 40Ca+
Precision measurement of the lifetime of the 6p 2P_1/2 level of Yb+