Probing molecular frame photoionization via laser generated high-order harmonics from aligned molecules
Probing Quasar Outflows with GNIRS HeI* Spectroscopy
Probing scattering phase shifts by attosecond streaking
Probing single-photon ionization on the attosecond time scale
Probing the electron EDM with cold molecules
Probing the interaction between Rydberg-dressed atoms through interference
Probing the longitudinal momentum spread of the electron wave packet at the tunnel exit
Probing wave functions of molecular nuclei with high harmonic generation
Probing weakly-bound molecules with nonresonant light
Probing Zeeman coherence in nearly degenerate two-level atomic vapour with four-wave mixing
Problems connected with electrons trajectory in separated atom
Problems with Standard Semiclassical Stark Broadening Theory
Producing translationally cold, ground-state CO molecules
Product state control of bi-alkali chemical reactions
Production and Decay of Atomic K-Shell Vacancy States
Production and decay of Sulphur excited species in a ECRIS plasma
Production and deceleration of a pulsed beam of metastable NH ($a ^1Δ$) radicals
Production and detection of atomic hexadecapole at Earth's magnetic field
Production and state-selective detection of ultracold, ground state RbCs molecules
Production of cold formaldehyde molecules for study and control of chemical reaction dynamics with hydroxyl radicals