Optical Production of Ultracold Polar Molecules
Optical pulse-shaping for internal cooling of molecules
Optical pumping and vibrational cooling of molecules
Optical pumping of trapped neutral molecules by blackbody radiation
Optical repumping of triplet $P$-states enhances magneto-optical trapping of ytterbium atoms
Optical shielding of cold collisions in blue-detuned near-resonant optical lattices
Optical Stark decelerator for cw molecular beam with a quasi-cw semi-Gaussian laser beam
Optical Stern Gerlach Effect beyond the rotating wave approximation
Optical transition of the $^{229}$Th nucleus in a solid-state environment
Optical transitions in highly-charged californium ions with high sensitivity to variation of the fine-structure constant
Optical transmission through a dipolar layer
Optical tuning of the scattering length of cold alkaline earth atoms
Optically detected NMR of optically hyperpolarized 31P neutral donors in 28Si
Optimal classification of HCI spectra
Optimal geometry for efficient loading of an optical dipole trap
Optimized coupling of cold atoms into a fiber using a blue-detuned hollow-beam funnel
Optimized Planar Penning Traps for Quantum Information Studies
Optimizing the production of metastable calcium atoms in a magneto-optical trap
Opto-mechanical measurement of micro-trap on atom chip via nonlinear cavity enhanced Raman scattering spectrum
Optogalvanic Spectroscopy of Metastable States in Yb^{+}