Observation of cooperative Mie scattering from an ultracold atomic cloud
Observation of Cs Rydberg atom macrodimers
Observation of diffractive orbits in the spectrum of excited NO in a magnetic field
Observation of Electric Quadrupole Transitions to Rydberg nd States of Ultracold Rubidium Atoms
Observation of Large Atomic-Recoil Induced Asymmetries in Cold Atom Spectroscopy
Observation of light dragging in rubidium vapor cell
Observation of Long-Lived Muonic Hydrogen in the 2S State
Observation of modified radiative properties of cold atoms in vacuum near a dielectric surface
Observation of Multiple Thresholds in the Many-Atom Cavity QED Microlaser
Observation of proximity resonances in a parallel-plate waveguide
Observation of quantum diffractive collisions using shallow atomic traps
Observation of recoil-induced resonances and electromagnetically induced absorption of cold atoms in diffuse light
Observation of single collisionally cooled trapped ions in a buffer gas
Observation of Single-Photon Switching
Observation of Spin Flips with a Single Trapped Proton
Observation of sub-natural linewidths for cold atoms in a magneto-optic trap
Observation of the 1S0 - 3P0 clock transition in 27Al+
Observation of the 2p3/2 -> 2s1/2 intra-shell transition in He-like uranium
Observation of the Nuclear Magnetic Octupole Moment of 87Rb from Spectroscopic Measurements of Hyperfine Intervals
Observations on spectral deformations of 103mRh excited by bremsstrahlung