Nuclear Charge Radius of $^{12}$Be
Nuclear Charge Radius of Li-9, Li-11: Halo Neutron: the influence of Halo Neutrons
Nuclear classical dynamics of H$_2$ in intense laser field
Nuclear deformation effect on the binding energies in heavy ions
Nuclear effects in atomic transitions
Nuclear kinetic energy spectra of D_2^+ in intense laser field: Beyond Born Oppenheimer approximation
Nuclear magnetic octupole moment and the hyperfine structure of the $5D_{3/2,5/2}$ states of the Ba$^+$ ion
Nuclear Polarization of Molecular Hydrogen Recombined on a Non-metallic Surface
Nuclear quadrupole moment of 43Ca and hyperfine structure studies of its singly charged ion
Nuclear recoil effect on the magnetic-dipole decay rates of atomic levels
Nuclear Shape Effect on the g Factor of Hydrogenlike Ions
Nuclear signatures in high-harmonic generation from laser-driven muonic atoms
Nuclear size correction to the Lamb shift of one-electron atoms
Nuclear Spin Effects in Optical Lattice Clocks
Nuclear spin gyroscope based on an atomic co-magnetometer
Nuclear spin--rotation interaction in the hydrogen molecular ion
Nuclear Structure corrections for Parity Non-conservation in Atomic Ba$^+$ and Ra$^+$
Nuclear vector polarizability correction to hyperfine splitting
Nuclear-polarization correction to the bound-electron g factor in heavy hydrogenlike ions
Nuclear-polarization effect to the hyperfine structure in heavy multicharged ions