Hyperfine splitting in heavy ions with the nuclear magnetization distribution determined from experiments on muonic atoms
Hyperfine splitting of $2^3S_1$ state in He$^3$
Hyperfine structure of 3He
Hyperfine structure of antiprotonic helium revealed by a laser-microwave-laser resonance method
Hyperfine structure of Li and Be^+
Hyperfine structure of S states in Li and Be^+
Hyperfine structure of the metastable 3P2 state of alkaline earth atoms as an accurate probe of nuclear magnetic octupole moments
Hyperfine structure splitting of the bound $S(L = 0)-$states in the symmetric muonic molecular ions
Hyperfine structure splitting of the ground states in the $pdμ, ptμ$ and $dtμ$ ions
Hyperfine Suppression of $2^3{\rm S}_1 - 3^3{\rm P}_J$ Transitions in $^3$He
Hyperfine, rotational and Zeeman structure of the lowest vibrational levels of the $^{87}$Rb$_2$ $\tripletex$ state
Hyperfine, rotational, and vibrational structure of the triplet ground state of Rb molecules
Hyperfine-interaction- and magnetic-field-induced Bose-Einstein-statistics suppressed two-photon transitions
Hyperfine-mediated static polarizabilities of monovalent atoms and ions
Hyperpolarizability effects in a Sr optical lattice clock
Hyperpolarized xenon nuclear spins detected by optical atomic magnetometry
Hyperspherical Close-Coupling Calculation of D-wave Positronium Formation and Excitation Cross Sections in Positron-Hydrogen Scattering
Hyperspherical partial wave calculation for double photoionization of the helium atom at 20 eV excess energy
Hyperspherical partial wave theory applied to electron hydrogen-atom ionization calculation for equal energy sharing kinematics