High-Order Harmonic Generation in Laser-Irradiated Homonuclear Diatomics: The Velocity Gauge Version of Molecular Strong-Field Approximation
High-order harmonic generation with a strong laser field and an attosecond-pulse train: the Dirac Delta comb and monochromatic limits
High-order Harmonic Spectroscopy of the Cooper Minimum in Argon: Experimental and Theoretical Study
High-precision calculations of dispersion coefficients, static dipole polarizabilities, and atom-wall interaction constants for alkali-metal atoms
High-precision calculations of electric-dipole amplitudes for transitions between low-lying levels of Mg, Ca, and Sr
High-precision calculations of In I and Sn II atomic properties
High-precision calculations of van der Waals coefficients for heteronuclear alkali-metal dimers
High-precision determination of transition amplitudes of principal transitions in Cs from van der Waals coefficient C_6
High-Precision Measurement of the Laser-Trapping Frequencies for $^{209,210,211}$Fr Atoms
High-Precision Optical Measurement of the 2S Hyperfine Interval in Atomic Hydrogen
High-Precision Storage Ring for g-2 of the Muon and Possible Applications in Particle and Heavy Ion Physics
High-precision study of Cs polarizabilities
High-resolution inelastic X-ray scattering studies of the state-resolved differential cross-section of Compton excitations in helium atoms
High-resolution Resonance Bragg-scattering spectroscopy of an atomic transition from a population difference grating in a vapor cell
High-resolution saturation spectroscopy of singly-ionized iron with a pulsed uv laser
High-resolution, high-accuracy spectroscopy of trapped ions
High-Spatial-Resolution Monitoring of Strong Magnetic Field using Rb vapor Nanometric-Thin Cell
High-Temperature Alkali Vapor Cells with Anti-Relaxation Surface Coatings
Higher-order binding corrections to the Lamb shift of 2P states
Higher-order effective Hamiltonian for light atomic systems