Helium 2 3S - 2 1S metrology at 1557 nm
Helium energy levels including $m α^6$ corrections
Helium fine structure theory for determination of α
Helium in superstrong magnetic fields
Helium Multiplet Structure in Relativistic Schrödinger Theory
Heron Variables in 3-body Coulomb Problem
Hertz-level Measurement of the 40Ca+ 4s 2S1/2-3d 2D5/2 Clock Transition Frequency With Respect to the SI Second through GPS
Heteronuclear ionizing collisions between laser-cooled metastable helium atoms
HI and HeII fine structure components (Clegg+ 1999)
Hiding Single Photons With Spread Spectrum Technology
High accuracy calculation of 6s -> 7s parity nonconserving amplitude in Cs
High accuracy computed H2D+ line list - ST1 (Sochi+, 2010)
High accuracy computed water line list - BT2 (Barber+, 2006)
High accuracy line list of HDO (Voronin+ 2009)
High accuracy measure of atomic polarizability in an optical lattice clock
High contrast D$_{1}$ line electromagnetically induced transparency in nanometric-thin rubidium vapor cell
High contrast resonances of the coherent population trapping on sublevels of the ground atomic term
High Density Mesoscopic Atom Clouds in a Holographic Atom Trap
High dielectronic satellite lines in solar flare spectra
High efficiency Four-Wave Mixing in a five-level atomic System based on the two electromagnetically induced transparency