Enhancement of the electron electric dipole moment in gadolinium 3+
Enhancement of the formation of ultracold $^{85}$Rb$_2$ molecules due to resonant coupling
Enhancing the area of a Raman atom interferometer using a versatile double-diffraction technique
Entropic enhancement of spatial correlations in a laser-driven Rydberg gas
Environment influence on the IR fluorescence of Xe$_{2}^{*}$ molecules in electron beam excited Ar--Xe mixture at high density
Equal energy sharing double photo ionization of the Helium atom at 20eV and 40eV above threshold
Equation of State and Phases of Polarized Unitary Fermi Gas
Equivalence of the velocity and length gauge perturbation series
Equivalent widths of Li, Na, Fe, Ca in NGC 6397 (Lind+, 2009)
Ericson fluctuations in an open, deterministic quantum system: theory meets experiment
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Establishing the Presence of Coherence in Atomic Fermi Superfluids: Spin-Flip and Spin-Preserving Bragg Scattering at Finite Temperatures
Estimated Stark widths and shifts of neutral atom and singly charged ion resonance lines
Estimations of electron-positron pair production at high-intensity laser interaction with high-Z targets
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Eu III oscillator strengths (Masonkina+, 2002)
EUV spectra of highly-charged ions W$^{54+}$-W$^{63+}$ relevant to ITER diagnostics
EUV spectroscopy of stellar coronae
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