Coupled tensorial form for atomic relativistic two-particle operator given in second quantization representation
Coupled-cluster single-double calculations of the relativistic energy shifts in C IV, Na I, Mg II, Al III, Si IV, Ca II and Zn II
Cr VIII radiative and excitation rates (Aggarwal+, 2009)
Creating a self-induced dark spontaneous-force optical trap for neutral atoms
Creating Ioffe-Pritchard micro-traps from permanent magnetic film with in-plane magnetization
Creating Non-Maxwellian Velocity Distributions in Ultracold Plasmas
Creating traveling waves from standing waves from the gyrotropic paramagnetic properties of Fe$^{3+}$ ions in a high-Q whispering gallery mode sapphire resonator
Creating ultracold molecules by collisions with ultracold rare gas atoms in an optical trap
Creating versatile atom traps by applying near resonant laser light in magnetic traps
Creation of arbitrary spectra with an electro-optic modulator
Critical Temperature for Bose-Einstein condensation in quartic potentials
Criticality of Electron-Nucleus Cusp Condition to Local Effective Potential Energy Theories
Critically-bound four-body molecules
Cross Sections for Electron Impact Excitation of Ions Relevant to Planetary Atmospheres Observation
Cross Sections for Electron Impact Excitation of O VI Lines
Cross sections for short pulse single and double ionization of helium
Cross-Molecular Coupling in Combined Photoassociation and Feshbach Resonances
CrRb: a molecule with large magnetic and electric dipole moments
Crystallization of ion clouds in octupole traps: structural transitions, core melting, and scaling laws
Cs CPT magnetometer for cardio-signal detection in unshielded environment