Calculation of Radiative Corrections to E1 matrix elements in the Neutral Alkalis
Calculation of rate constants for vibrational and rotational excitation of the H3+ ion by electron impact
Calculation of reduced coefficients and matrix elements in jj-coupling
Calculation of Stark-induced absorption on the 6s6p ^3P_1 - 6s^2 ^1S_0 transition in Hg
Calculation of supercritical Dirac resonances in heavy-ion collisions
Calculation of the (T,P)-odd Electric Dipole Moment of Thallium
Calculation of the elastic scattering parameters in an ultra-cold Fermi-Bose and Bose-Bose Fr vapor
Calculation of the elastic scattering properties in an ultra-cold Fermi-Bose and Bose-Bose Rb-K vapor
Calculation of the Electron Self Energy for Low Nuclear Charge
Calculation of the energy levels of Ge, Sn, Pb and their ions in the $V^{N-4}$ approximation
Calculation of the free-free transitions in the electron-hydrogen scattering S-wave model
Calculation of the hyperfine structure of the superheavy elements Z=119 and Z=120+
Calculation of the interspecies s-wave scattering length in an ultracold Na-Rb vapor
Calculation of the light-shifts in the ns-states of hydrogenic systems
Calculation of the nonrelativistic Bethe logarithm in the velocity gauge
Calculation of the One- and Two-Loop Lamb Shift for Arbitrary Excited Hydrogenic States
Calculation of the photoionization with de-excitation cross sections of He and helium-like ions
Calculation of the positron bound state with the copper atom
Calculation of the spectra of the superheavy element Z=112
Calculation of the spectrum of the superheavy element Z=120