Constraints on short-range spin-dependent interactions from scalar spin-spin coupling in deuterated molecular hydrogen
Construction of accurate Kohn-Sham potentials for the lowest states of the helium atom: Accurate test of the ionization-potential theorem
Continuous Coupling of Ultracold Atoms to an Ionic Plasma via Rydberg Excitation
Continuous loading of $^{1}$S$_{0}$ calcium atoms into an optical dipole trap
Continuous Observation of Interference Fringes from Bose Condensates
Continuous-wave Doppler-cooling of hydrogen atoms with two-photon transitions
Contribution of forbidden orbits in the photoabsorption spectra of atoms and molecules in a magnetic field
Contribution of Light-by-Light Scattering to Energy Levels of Light Muonic Atoms
Contribution of the screened self-energy to the Lamb shift of quasidegenerate states
Control of recollision wave packets for molecular orbital tomography using short laser pulses
Control of Ultra-cold Inelastic Collisions by Feshbash Resonances and Quasi-One-Dimensional Confinement
Controllable 3D atomic Brownian motor in optical lattices
Controlled Dicke Subradiance from a Large Cloud of Two-Level Systems
Controlled Production of Sub-Radiant States of a Diatomic Molecule in an Optical Lattice
Controlling a diatomic shape resonance with non-resonant light
Controlling atomic vapor density in paraffin-coated cells using light-induced atomic desorption
Controlling collisions of ultracold atoms with dc electric fields
Controlling high-harmonic generation and above-threshold ionization with an attosecond-pulse train
Controlling the cold collision shift in high precision atomic interferometry
Controlling the hyperfine state of rovibronic ground-state polar molecules