Breakup of the aligned H$_2$ molecule by xuv laser pulses: A time-dependent treatment in prolate spheroidal coordinates
Breit Interaction and Parity Non-conservation in Many-Electron Atoms
Breit interaction correction to the hyperfine constant of an external s-electron in many-electron atom
Breit interaction in heavy atoms
Brief remarks on "Electric dipole moment enhancement factor of thallium"
Bright Source of Cold Ions for Surface-Electrode Traps
Brillouin propagation modes in optical lattices: interpretation in terms of nonconventional stochastic resonance
Broadening and intensity redistribution in the Na($3p$) hyperfine excitation spectra due to optical pumping in the weak excitation limit
Broadening of Fe II lines by H collisions (Barklem+, 2005)
Broadening of metallic lines by H collisions (Barklem+ 2000)
Brownian motion of the electron and the Lamb shift at finite temperature
Brussels nuclear reaction rate library (Aikawa+, 2005)
Buffer gas induced collision shift for the $^{88}$Sr $\bf{^1S_0-^3P_1}$ clock transition
Buffer gas-assisted polarization spectroscopy of 6Li