Atomic calculations and search for variation of the fine structure constant in quasar absorption spectra
Atomic clock with a nuclear transition: solid state approach at TU Wien
Atomic Clocks and Constraints on Variations of Fundamental Constants
Atomic Clocks and the Search for Variation of the Fine Structure Constant
Atomic clocks with suppressed blackbody radiation shift
Atomic collider into dual-isotope magneto-optical trap
Atomic collision dynamics in optical lattices
Atomic collisions and sonoluminescence
Atomic Compton profiles within different exchange-only theories
Atomic Data
Atomic data (Verner+, 1994)
Atomic Data and Databases on the Internet: Entering 1996
Atomic data and spectral model for Fe III
Atomic data calculations by Z-expansion method for doubly excited states 2lnl' and 1s2lnl' of highly charged ions with Z=6-36. I. Transitions from the states with n=2,3
Atomic data for Al ions (Palmeri+, 2011)
Atomic Data For Lowly Ionized Fe-peak Species
Atomic Data for Neutron-Capture Elements. II (Sterling, 2011)
Atomic data for opacity calculations. I - General description
Atomic Data for Permitted Resonance Lines of Atoms and Ions from H to Si, and S, Ar, Ca and Fe
Atomic data for X-ray lines of FeVIII and FeIX (O'Dwyer+, 2012)