Application of multiwire proportional counters to experiments utilizing synchrotron radiation
Application of Relativistic Coupled-cluster Theory to Heavy Atomic Systems with Strongly Interacting Configurations: Hyperfine Interactions in $^{207}Pb^+$
Application of Statistical Regularization Methods to Determine the Differential Emission Measure
Application of symbolic programming for atomic many-body theory
Application of the $J$-matrix Method to Faddeev-Merkuriev equation: beyond pseudostates
Application of the dual-kinetic-balance sets in the relativistic many-body problem of atomic structure
Application of the X-ray laser to muon-catalyzed d-t fusion
Application of the zero-range potential model to positron annihilation on molecules
Applications of Adiabatic Approximation to One- and Two-electron Phenomena in Strong Laser Fields
Approach to Equilibrium in the Micromaser
Approaching the Heisenberg limit in an atom laser
Approximate formulation of redistribution in the Ly-alpha, Ly-beta, H-alpha system
Approximate Selection Rule for Orbital Angular Momentum in Atomic Radiative Transitions
Approximation properties of basis functions in variational three-body problem
Ar XVIII radiative and excitation rates (Aggarwal+, 2008)
Ar-39 Detection at the 10^-16 Isotopic Abundance Level with Atom Trap Trace Analysis
Aspects of Cooling at the TRI$μ$P Facility
Aspects of Relativistic Sum Rules
Assessment of the Fluorescence and Auger Data Base used in Plasma Modeling
Assignment of resonances in dissociative recombination of HD+ ions: high-resolution measurements compared with accurate computations