An accelerator mode based technique for studying quantum chaos
An accurate determination of the Avogadro constant by counting the atoms in a 28Si crystal
An accurate few-parameter ground state wave function for the Lithium atom
An accurate optical lattice clock with 87Sr atoms
An all-optical gray lattice for atoms
An analysis of dynamical suppression of spontaneous emission
An analytical model of Faraday rotation in hot alkali metal vapours
An angular correlation theory for double photoionization in a rare gas atom
An apparatus for immersing trapped ions into an ultracold gas of neutral atoms
An application of interpolating scaling functions to wave packet propagation
An Atom Faucet
An atom interferometer for measuring loss of coherence from an atom mirror
An Atom Laser Based on Raman Transitions
An Atomic Gravitational Wave Interferometric Sensor in Low Earth Orbit (AGIS-LEO)
An Atomic Linear Stark Shift Violating P But Not T Arising From the Electroweak Nuclear Anapole Moment
An easy method to estimate charge-exchange cross sections between ions and one-active-electron atoms
An effective scalar magnetic interaction for resonantly trapped atoms
An Efficient and Accurate Grid Method for Solving the Time-Dependent Schroedinger Equation: Application of Coulomb Wave Function DVR to Atomic Systems in Strong Laser Fields
An efficient approach for spin-angular integrations in atomic structure calculations
An EIT search for Lorentz violating signals