ac electric-field-induced resonant energy transfer between cold Rydberg atoms
AC Stark shift noise in QND measurement arising from quantum fluctuations of light polarization
AC Stark shift of the Cs microwave atomic clock transitions
ac-driven atomic quantum motor
AC-Stark shift and photoionization of Rydberg atoms in an optical dipole trap
Accelerometer using atomic waves for space applications
Accumulation and thermalization of cold atoms in a finite-depth magnetic trap
Accumulation of chromium metastable atoms into an Optical Trap
Accumulation of three-body resonances above two-body thresholds
Accuracy Evaluation of an Optical Lattice Clock with Bosonic Atoms
Accuracy of an Atomic Microwave Power Standard
Accurate and concise atomic CI via generalization of analytic Laguerre type orbitals and examples of ab-initio error estimation for excited states
Accurate calculations of magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole hyperfine coupling constants of 6 P_{3/2} state of Cesium atom : A Relativistic Coupled Cluster approach
Accurate calculations of Sr properties for a high-accuracy optical clock
Accurate determination of electric-dipole matrix elements in K and Rb from Stark shift measurements
Accurate determination of the electric dipole matrix elements, lifetimes, polarizabilities and light-shift ratios in Ba+ and Ra+
Accurate estimations of circumstellar and interstellar lines of quadruply ionized vanadium using the coupled cluster approach
Accurate long-range coefficients for two excited like isotope He atoms: He($2 ^1P$)--He($2 ^1P$), He($2 ^1P$)--He($2 ^3P$), and He($2 ^3P$)--He($2 ^3P$)
Accurate photoionisation cross section for He at non-resonant photon energies
Accurate relativistic many-body calculations of van der Waals coefficients C_8 and C_10 for alkali-metal dimers