Fabrication of a reflective Schmidt camera
Fabrication of blanks, figuring, polishing, and testing of astronomical mirrors for SALT, VST, LAMOST, and other projects
Fabrication of Embedded Microvalve on PMMA Microfluidic Devices through Surface Functionalization
Fabrication of Extra Long Wavelength Infrared Window Materials
Fabrication of FORTIS
Fabrication of high-performance CdZnTe strip detector arrays
Fabrication of IR blocking filter for low energy x-ray applications
Fabrication of MEMS Resonators in Thin SOI
Fabrication of Message Digest to Authenticate Audio Signals with Alternation of Coefficients of Harmonics in Multi-Stages (MDAC)
Fabrication of Miniaturized Variable-focus Lens Using Liquid Filling Technique
Fabrication of Nanostructured PLGA Scaffolds Using Anodic Aluminum Oxide Templates
Fabrication of Soft-Edged Occulting Masks for Coronagraphs
Fabrication of sub-micron gratings in ultrathin films by 157-nm laser ablation and their application as grating waveguide structures
Fabrication of Switches on Polymer-Based by Hot Embossing
Fabrication of the secondary mirrors for the W.M. Keck telescopes
Fabrication of two-dimensional photonic crystal films with As2S3 by laser holography
Fabrication of X-ray telescopes for sounding rocket flights
Fabry-Perot determinations of midlatitude F-region neutral winds and temperatures from 1975 to 1979
Fabry-Perot etalons as prefilters for astronomical far infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy
Fabry-Perot imaging observations of OH(8-3) - Rotational temperatures and gravity waves