V 605 Aquilae - A star and a nebula with no hydrogen
V Hya B: A born-again T Tauri star?
V light curve of V567 Oph (Kiss+, 2002)
V light curve of WR 123 (Chene+, 2011)
V light curve of WR29 (Gamen+, 2009)
V light curves of EK Dra (Jaervinen+, 2005)
V Puppis: A black hole triple?
V, Cr, and MN in the earth, moon, EPB, and SPB and the origin of the moon - Experimental studies
V-index: a novel metric to measure virtuosity of academics
V-like formations in flocks of artificial birds
V1154 Tau: a New Eclipsing Star within a Triple System
V1162 Ori: a Mono- or a Multiperiodic High-amplitude delta Scuti Star?
V1794 UBVR time series (Jetsu+, 1999)
V2154 Cyg: an eclipsing binary system as part of a triple system
V2487 Oph: a cataclysmic variable which quickly recovered from a nova explosion
V360 Lac spectroscopy (Linnell+, 2006)
V367-CYGNI as the Interacting Binary
V380 Ori emission line spectrum (Rossi+ 1999)
V407 Cyg: A new laboratory for studying accretion and novae in symbiotic stars
V478 Lyrae Revisited: a Current Look at Eclipses and Star Spots