Fabricate and assemble: an alignment and integration method for next generation x-ray telescopes
Fabricating the Solid Core Heatpipe Reactor
Fabrication and characteristics of free-standing shaped pupil masks for TPF-coronagraph
Fabrication and characteristics of long-wavelength infrared planar photodiodes on molecular beam epitaxial p-HgCdTe films
Fabrication and characterization of the Fizeau interferometer testbed
Fabrication and current optical performance of a large diamond-machined ZnSe immersion grating
Fabrication and integration of micro/nano-scale optical wire circuit arrays and devices for high-speed and compact optical printed circuit board (O-PCB) and VLSI photonic applications
Fabrication and optical characteristics of microlens arrays engraved in photoresist coatings
Fabrication and performance at 1.33 nm of a 0.24-micron period multilayer grating
Fabrication and performance of diffractive optics for quantum well infrared photodetectors
Fabrication and performance of linear multilayer gratings in the 44-130 A wavelength range
Fabrication and performance of MARS optical modulators for fiber-to-the-home systems
Fabrication and Qualification of Coated Chip-on-Board Technology for Miniaturised Space Systems
Fabrication and test of silicon grisms for JWST-NIRCam
Fabrication and testing of gas filled targets for large scale plasma experiments on Nova
Fabrication and testing of the first 8.4-m off-axis segment for the Giant Magellan Telescope
Fabrication and testing of ultra lightweight Gossamer class composite mirrors
Fabrication and testing of x-ray telescope
Fabrication of 3D Packaging TSV using DRIE
Fabrication of a focusing soft X-ray collector payload