Medical robotics: where we come from, where we are and where we could go
MERLIN: Martian Exploratory Rover for Long-range INvestigation
Metric State Space Reinforcement Learning for a Vision-Capable Mobile Robot
Micro Planetary Rover Micro 5
Micro-Power Sources Enabling Robotic Outpost Based Deep Space Exploration
Microcontroller-based System for Modular Networked Robot
Miniaturized autonomous robot
Mining the Mars Atmosphere
Mission Preparation and Training Facility for the European Robotic Arm (ERA)
Mission, technologies and design of planetary mobile vehicle
Missions, Technologies, and Design of Planetary Mobile Vehicles
Mobile Lunar Base Concepts
Mobility analysis, simulation, and scale model testing for the design of wheeled planetary rovers
MOC2DIMES: A Camera Simulator for the Mars Exploration Rover Descent Image Motion Estimation System
Model Checking of Robotic Control Systems
Modeling and Application of Series Elastic Actuators for Force Control Multi Legged Robots
Modeling and frequency domain analysis of nonlinear compliant joints for a passive dynamic swimmer
Modeling And Simulation Of Prolate Dual-Spin Satellite Dynamics In An Inclined Elliptical Orbit: Case Study Of Palapa B2R Satellite
Modeling Microscopic Chemical Sensors in Capillaries
Modeling water ice clouds on Mars at the proposed Phoenix Lander site using a one-dimensional aerosol model.